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NECO Registration Form 2023/2024

NECO Registration Form, NECO BECE Registration Form For JSS3 2023/2024, Registration fee for the 2023 BECE is N8,700.00 only per candidate. 2023/2024 National Examinations Council NECO BECE Registration Forms

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The NECO BECE Registration form for Junior WAEC 2022/2023 has commenced. Schools (centres) are to register their candidates using the offline application before login in. The following are the approved fees for the examination and other related items:


About NECO Registration Form 2023/2024

The Ghana Education Service has released the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for school candidates registration date and schedule for the current year.

NECO BECE Registration Form 2023/2024 for JSS3 is Out. The BECE Registration form 2023 for Junior WAEC has be commence sale application form.

The NECO BECE Registration form is now on sale for Junior WAEC 2023/2024.

BECE Registration Form 2023/2024

Kindly note that the BECE Timetable for JSS3 examination has been released by the Board.

How Much is NECO Registration Form 2023/2024

The following are the approved fees for the examination and other related items:

  1. Registration fees – 8,700.00 Naira (only per candidate)
  2. Late Registration – 2,000.00 Naira per candidate – (per candidate)
  3. Re-Sit Exam – 3,000.00 Naira per subject per candidate
  4. Unviable Fee – 12,500.00 Naira
  5. Syllabus is N1,500.00 per copy

The 2023 BECE registration will be both OFFLINE and ONLINE. There is no more manual registration for. The manual registration entries have been replaced with offline entries of candidates’ registration data.

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Eligibility for NECO Registration Form

Principals/Commandants of schools are hereby informed that only candidates in their final year of Junior Secondary School i.e. (JSS 3) are eligible for registration. For the avoidance of doubt, the 2023 NECO BECE is meant for only school-based candidates in Nigeria and overseas. Principals/Commandants of schools and State Ministries of Education should endeavor to enforce the eligibility condition.

How to Register for NECO BECE Registration Form

  1. The offline registration application could also be downloaded from the Council’s website

All payments should strictly be made through the NEC portal. Upon successful payment, registration quota is allocated according to the amount paid into the NECO TSA

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Procedure for Upload of Candidates’ Data

The procedure for upload of Candidates’ data online is as follows:

  1. Connect your computer to the internet
  2. Launch the offline application
  3. Click on “Payment and Upload” button
  4. Click on “check Payment” button
  5. Enter your administrator login details to login
  6. Select and Upload Candidates accordingly


NECO Registration Form 2023/2024 Period

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  • The registration period is between To be announce later.
  • The last date for return of printed payment receipt and endorsed final validation list is To be announce later.
  • The registration period for BECE Resit is between To be announce later.
  • The tentative date for BECE Resit is between To be announce later.
  • Last date for upload of CA3 online is To be announce later.
  • The Examination will hold from To be announce later.
  • The tentative date for BECE Resit is between To be announce later.

BECE Registration Form Closing Date 2023

The deadline for BECE NECO Registration Form has been made known. You will endeavor to complete the online registration before the closing date else your application will not be accepted.


Conclusion on NECO Registration Form 2023/2024

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