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Call for 5th SADC Youth Forum Application 2023

2023 The 5th SADC Youth Forum Application, The SADC Youth Forum is the largest annual youth platform held prior to the SADC (Southern African Development Community) Heads of State and Government Summit. The SADC is an intergovernmental organization consisting of 16 member states in Southern Africa, aimed at promoting regional integration, cooperation, and socio-economic development.

Call for Applications – 5th SADC Youth Forum,  sadc youth forum 2023, sadc youth parliament application, 4th sadc youth parliament, african youth forum,
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The SADC Youth Forum 2023 serves as a platform for young people from the SADC region to engage with each other, share ideas, and discuss issues relevant to their communities and the region as a whole. The forum provides an opportunity for youth to voice their opinions, present their concerns, and propose solutions to the challenges they face.


About Call for 5th SADC Youth Forum Application 

Call for 5th SADC Youth Forum Application 2023, During the SADC Youth Forum, young participants have the chance to interact with policymakers, government officials, and other stakeholders. This engagement enables them to influence the decision-making processes and policies that affect youth development and empowerment in the region.

The forum typically covers a wide range of topics related to youth development, such as education, employment, entrepreneurship, gender equality, health, climate change, and social inclusion. Participants engage in panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices.


Call for 5th SADC Youth Forum Application
Call for 5th SADC Youth Forum Application


By hosting the SADC Youth Forum before the SADC Heads of State and Government Summit, young people can present their recommendations and outcomes directly to the leaders of the member states. This ensures that the voices and concerns of the youth are taken into account in the regional decision-making processes and policy formulation.

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Call for 5th SADC Youth Forum Application 2023, The SADC Youth Forum plays a crucial role in fostering youth participation, empowerment, and inclusion in the SADC region. It helps to shape policies and initiatives that promote the well-being and socio-economic advancement of young people in Southern Africa.


How to Apply for Call for 5th SADC Youth Forum Application

Youth in the region are invited to apply to attend the 5th SADC Youth Forum which will be hosted from 25-27 July in Gabarone, Botswana. 


Accelerating Regional Integration & Youth Participation

Criteria for application

  • Youth between 18-35 years old.
  • Citizen of a SADC member state.
  • Demonstrated interest and work in the thematic areas of the Forum
  • -Available to attend the full duration of the Forum.

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Selected delegates will be required to secure sponsorship for their accommodation, return transportation, visas and transit from their home country to Botswana. 

Click here to Apply.