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5TH SADC YOUTH FORUM APPLICATION, Call for Applications – 5th SADC Youth Forum,  sadc youth forum 2023, sadc youth parliament application, 4th sadc youth parliament, african youth forum,
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The SADC Youth Forum is largest annual youth platform hosted before the SADC Heads of State and Government Summit to deliberate on critical issues affecting young people in the Southern Africa region, the forum is a solution-oriented platform

to advance sustainable inclusion of youth and proffer solutions in line with Development Strategies formulated by Member states, SADC, Partners, United Nations, and the African Union.

The SADC Youth Forum seeks to contribute to youth development, sustainable inclusion, and empowerment of youth meaningfully and sustainably; through the proffering of innovative strategies and solution-oriented approaches
in response to the challenges facing young people in the SADC Region.
It is a platform to create ideas, map new ways to influence policy, and open space for youth leadership, innovation and development.[better-ads type=”banner” banner=”2269″ campaign=”none” count=”2″ columns=”1″ orderby=”rand” order=”ASC” align=”center” show-caption=”0″ lazy-load=””][/better-ads]

The Forum brings youth voices together to shape policies, provide policy alternatives, increase sustainable participation, and take a transformative approach to decision-making as defined by the Youth Development Model (YDM). The SADC Youth Forum is composed of thematic-based sessions informed by SAYoF Clusters and key policy frameworks in the region.

5TH SADC YOUTH FORUM APPLICATION, Youth in the region are invited to apply to attend the 5th SADC Youth Forum which will be hosted from 25-27 July in Gabarone, Botswana. 

Criteria for application OF 5TH SADC YOUTH FORUM 

– Youth between 18-35
– Citizen of a SADC member state
– Demonstrated interest and work in the thematic areas of the Forum

– Available to attend the full duration of the Forum

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Note: Selected delegates will be required to secure sponsorship for their accommodation, return transportation, visas and transit from their home country to Botswana.