Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme Trainees

Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme Trainees, Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme Second Cohort of Graduate Trainees Announced

Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme (EYEP) is a partnership between the government, the private sector, tertiary institutions and UNDP. The objective of EYEP is to support young graduates between 18 to 35 years old to gain work experience, skills, and access to jobs. It also reaches out to young people with no tertiary education for training on entrepreneurship for business start-ups.

We are excited to welcome the Second Cohort of graduate trainees under EYEP who will undergo an induction training programme at the Institute of Development Management (IDM) Eswatini Campus, Matsapha, from 31 July 2023 to 02 August 2023.

Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme Trainees

Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme Trainees, Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme’s second cohort of graduate trainees announced! The 50 youth graduates will be handed to their host organisations tomorrow at a certification ceremony marking the end of their induction training and the beginning of their placement.

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Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme


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In the heart of Southern Africa lies a nation with a vision – Eswatini. Recognizing the potential of its youthful population, the Kingdom of Eswatini has taken significant strides to foster growth and development through its Youth Empowerment Programme. This transformative initiative aims to equip the nation’s young minds with the necessary tools and opportunities to build a prosperous and sustainable future. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of the Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme and how it is shaping the lives of the country’s future leaders.