Over 10,700 Palestinians Detained in the Occupied West Bank Since October 7

Over 10,700 Palestinians Detained in the Occupied West Bank Since October 7. Since October 7, more than 10,700 Palestinians have been detained in the occupied West Bank, according to Palestinian prisoner organizations.

In the last 24 hours alone, Israeli occupation forces have arrested around 35 individuals, including a child, a former prisoner, a cancer patient, and a journalist.

Over 10,700 Palestinians Detained in the Occupied West Bank Since October 7: A Human Rights Crisis Unfolding
Over 10,700 Palestinians Detained in the Occupied West Bank Since October 7: A Human Rights Crisis Unfolding


Among the detainees was Jamal al-Hindi, who was recently released after serving 22 years in Israeli jails.

The arrests have been concentrated in the Qalqilya region, but also spread across Ramallah, Bethlehem, Jenin, Nablus, and Jerusalem.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) and the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees reported that the arrests involved violent raids, threats, and destruction of homes.

Families of the detainees were subjected to harassment, and the overall conditions remain dire as the occupation forces continue to detain individuals from their homes, at military checkpoints, and even force some to surrender under pressure.

The total number of Palestinians detained since the start of this campaign reflects the ongoing human rights violations in the occupied territories, with widespread impacts on individuals, families, and communities across the West Bank.