Nauli Za Treni Ya SGR 2024/25

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The Board of Directors of Land Transport Regulatory Authority (LATRA) has published a notice of decisions on fares of ordinary class passenger for the Modern Railway Train (SGR) from Dar es Salaam to Makutupora.

As stated and informed by the Mr. Salum Pazzy; the head of the Division of Relations and Communications of the LATRA on June 10, 2024 at the office of the LATRA Region of Dar es Salaam, the fares has been endorsed by the Board of Directors LATRA taking into consideration the number of kilo meters.

For instance, a distance of 444 exists between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma. This entails a fare of TZS equal to 0 kilometers. 15,500/=: and have also been obtained after working on the requests submitted by the Tanzania Railway Corporation (TRC) and information received from the TRC and other NTBs.

Nauli Za Treni Ya SGR 2024/25

“The fares that are charged to this class are charged per kilometer to the passenger and they are for normal class for adults and children between the ages of 4 to 12 years old. ” While speaking, Mr. Pazzy further said, “An adult as well as a child above 12 years rebuts on the ticket will pay TSH 69. 51 per kilometer, a child between 4 to 12 years will pay.

Nauli Za Treni Ya SGR 2024/25

The following below is attached PDF file of Nauli Za Treni Ya SGR:-

Nauli Za Treni Ya SGR 2024/25
Nauli Za Treni Ya SGR 2024/25


He has also stated the following conditions to be complied before commencing to use the above-said fares that the service provider (TRC) should hold a valid transport license, possess Certificates of safety for railway infrastructure and wagons used, avail the electronic ticketing system, integrate the service ticketing system of the electronic and LATRA systems that deals with payments to be calculated, Passenger information, fares paid, electronic tickets issued, Government taxes, and

Nauli Za Treni Ya SGR 2024/25
Nauli Za Treni Ya SGR 2024/25


Furthermore, according to Mr. Pazzy, those areas that must be considered by the service provider are establishing the management system of providing informational to the traveler and monitoring systems on the progress of the train , the fares for the trip from station to station taking consideration easy visibility in the fares by passengers setting standard of quality services for customers which includes the environment of stations (stations), carriage cleanliness, quality and availability of food and drinks, clean and safe water supply