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(S.E.C) East African Company Limited Vacancies, 2023

S.E.C (East African) Company Limited Vacancies, 2023

S.E.C (EAST AFRICAN) COMPANY LIMITED has been registered in the United Republic of Tanzania under the Company Ordinance (CAP 212) with a certificate of incorporation number 55091 as a Limited Company.

We are registered with the Contractors Registration Board (CRB) as specialist contractors in CLASS ONE for supplying, installing, testing, commissioning and provision of after sales service for elevators, escalators, walkways, automatic voltage stabilizers.

We supply passenger elevators,escalators, passenger conveyors etc from Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator  and are accountable for installation, inspection and post-sale service.

To your satisfaction, we can offer you a diverse choice of elevators including elevators with machineroom, non-machineroom elevators, obersavation elevator, hospital elevators, passenger elevators, freight elevators and dumbwaiters on  YOUR side.

We are also equipped with scores of inner-car decoration styles and call buttons. Besides, we are successfully excelled in the maintenance and service of non-Mitsubishi elevators and escalators like OTIS, SCHINDLER, KONE etc.

Granted with firm support from Chinese and European suppliers in spare parts, we therefore can all the time guarantee prompt availability for the spare parts.

S.E.C (East African Company Limited Vacancies, 2023

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The company is looking to hire qualified and competent individuals to fill new vacant positions. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW: