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Vacancies at UTUMISHI PSRS; Nafasi za Ajira Serikalini, March 2024

Vacancies at UTUMISHI PSRS. The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) Vacancies is an independent department within the government, mandated to facilitate the recruitment of employees into the Public Service.

It was established under the Public Service Act No. 8 of 2002, as amended by Act No. 18 of 2007, section 29(1).

Vacancies at UTUMISHI PSRS; Nafasi za Ajira Serikalini
Vacancies at UTUMISHI PSRS; Nafasi za Ajira Serikalini


Our vision is to become a leading center of excellence in the region’s public service, while our mission is to conduct recruitment using modern methods, ensuring fairness, transparency, and meritocracy.

Human resources play a crucial role in public service delivery, hence PSRS is tasked with recruiting public servants in a fair, transparent, and timely manner, while upholding quality and accessibility for all applicants to ensure equitable service delivery in Tanzania.

Our objective is to enhance government public service by adhering to recruitment regulations and fostering good relationships with stakeholders. PSRS is committed to equal opportunities in employment.

New Vacancies at UTUMISHI PSRS; Nafasi za Ajira Serikalini, March 2024

Nafasi za Ajira Serikalini, UTUMISHI PSRS Vacancies, March 2024, The organ is inviting applications from Tanzanians to fill new vacant positions.