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524 Vacancies at TRA (Tanzania Revenue Authority ),  May 2023

Vacancies at TRA (Tanzania Revenue Authority ),  May 2023

Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was established under the Tanzania Revenue Authority Act No.11 0f 1995. The Authority is a semi-autonomous agency of the

Government responsible for the administration of the Central Government taxes as well as several non-tax revenues. TRA is currently implementing the Sixth Corporate Plan (CP6: 2022/23 – 2026/27) with the

Vision of “A Trusted Revenue Administration for Socio-economic Development” and the Mission of “We Make It Easy to Pay Tax and Enhance Compliance for Sustainable Development”.

VISION “A Trusted Revenue Administration for Socio-Economic Development”. Mission Statement “We Make It Easy to Pay Tax and Enhance Compliance for Sustainable Development.

The strategic objectives are supported with 18 strategic initiatives which will drive the authority into motion towards achievements of the former.

The tax revenue projections for Tanzania Mainland are set to increase from TZS 20,667.91 billionin 2021/22 to TZS 31,921.0 billionin 2026/27, representing a compounded annual growth

rate of about 9.1 percentduring the period of the plan. On the other hand, tax revenue yield is expected to increase from 12.9 percentin 2021/22 to 14.1 percentin 2026/27. The organization is an equal opportunity employer.

APPLY Vacancies at TRA (Tanzania Revenue Authority ),  May 2023

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The organization is inviting applications from Tanzanians to apply for several positions. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW:


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