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SASSA Grant Payment Dates 2023

SASSA grant payment dates 2023The Department of Social Development (DSD) of South Africa is a government department responsible for providing social development, protection, and welfare services to the public.

Previously called the Department of Welfare, it was renamed in July 2000.[1] The current Minister of Social Development is Lindiwe Zulu.

The mandate of the Agency is to ensure the provision of comprehensive social security services against vulnerability and poverty within the constitutional and legislative framework.

Social Assistance Act, 2004 The Act provides a national legislative framework for the provision of different types of social grants, social relief of distress, the delivery of social assistance grants by a national Agency and the establishment of an Inspectorate for Social Security.

South African Social Security Agency Act, 2004The Act provides for the establishment of the South African Social Security Agency as a schedule 3A public entity in terms of the PFMA.

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The principle aim of the Act is to make provision for the effective management, administration and payment of social assistance and service through the establishment of the South African Social Security Agency. The President signed the Act on the 28th May 2004.

How much is the SASSA grant?

The amounts allocated to each grant are as follows: Senior citizen (60-74 years old) R1890, senior citizen (75 years and older) R1910, and war veterans R1910.

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SASSA grant payment dates for 2023

Normal social grant payment dates for September 2022

SASSA Grant Payment Dates For October 2022
SASSA Grant Payment Dates 2023

SASSA Grant Payment Dates for 2023

All qualifying children will receive R480 in addition to 50% of the baseline Child Support Grant (CSG) ($720).

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How do I check my Sassa SRD payment status?

To determine whether your Sassa SRD payment has been processed, you can go to the SRD.SASSA.GOV.ZA/SC19/STATUS page and enter your ID number and cellphone number