GDE Admissions 2024 – Apply Now (A complete Guide For Parents)

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  • GDEadmissions
  • GDEadmissions 2024
  • GDE registration
  • GDE online application
  • GDE online registration
  • GDE admissions 2023 registration
  • GDE registration for 2023

Below is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to apply for GDE admissions in 2024


GDE online registration: Learners who were applied for using the GDE Online Admissions system will receive placement as per the following admission regulations:

GDE registration for 2024 (GDE admissions 2024 registration)

  • Step 1: Register Parent Details
  • Step 2: Register Address Details
  • Step 3: Register Learner Details
  • Step 4: Apply to a Maximum of 5 Schools
  • Step 5: Upload OR Submit Documents

Please note:

  • Parents are encouraged to use the home address within school feeder zone application option to see schools with feeder zones that cover the
  • parent’s home address
  • To increase the chances of placement closer to the parent’s home address, parents should select schools with feeder zones that cover the parent’s home address
  • Parents will be able to apply to a minimum of 3 schools and a maximum of 5 schools for each learner
  • Parents cannot make more than one application for one learner to the same school
  • Parents must remember to read and accept the Terms and Conditions


For admission of your child to Grade 1 or Grade 8 in a public school, apply online from 15 June 2023 to 14 July 2023

Parents/guardians with children going to Grade 1 and/or Grade 8 in 2023 are reminded to log on to  to apply to a school.

  • Assistance regarding online applications is also available at any walk-in centre or school in your area

Parents/guardians are required to provide one reliable cellphone number to receive a username and password, and other important information about the child’s application

All applicants need to remember to upload certified copies of required documents on the system or submit documents to the schools they applied to within 7 days of making the application

Parents/guardians are urged to log on to the system and accept offers of placement that will be sent via SMS from 4 November 2023


Parents who wish to apply for Grade R, Grade 2-7, and Grade 9-12 at a public school in Gauteng for the 2023 academic year must apply directly at their identified school(s)

and not on the GDE Online Admissions System.

Parents and guardians are urged to interact directly with their identified schools to receive guidance on how and when to apply for these grades.



Before making an application for Grade 1 and Grade 8 during the 2023 Online Admissions application period, parents must have certified copies of the following documents:

  1. Parent/Guardian ID OR Passport
  2. Child ID OR South African Birth Certificate OR Passport
  3. Refugee Permit OR Asylum Seeker Permit OR Permanent Residence Permit OR ‘Study Permit
  4. Proof of Residential/Home Address
  • Acceptable proof of residential/home address is a certified copy of a valid municipal account in the name of the applicant parent OR a lease agreement signed by both the applicant and the landlord as well as the ID document of the landlord specifying the names of the tenants
  • Please note: an application cannot be processed without the proof of residential home address of the applicant’s parent
  1. Proof of Work Address (Optional, for those applying at a school closer to work)
  2. Latest Schoo! Report and Clini Cardmmunisation Report (ForGrade 1 application only)



(1) Parents must upload certified copies of required documents on the GDE Online Admissions System ( OR submit certified copies of required documents to all the schools applied to within 7 days

(2) Parents cannot both upload and submit documents

(3) Parents must ensure that the details they enter into the System when applying match the information of the documents they upload or submit


GDE AdmissionsFrequently asked questions FAQs

When is the Department of Education’s Admission Online Application System opening for parents to apply to Grade 1 and /or Grade 8 for the 2023 academic year?

  • The online application period for learners to be admitted to schools in Grade 1 and/or Grade 8 in 2024 ONLINE Admissions Applications for Grade 1 and Grade 8 is open from 15 June 2023 to 14 July 2023

How do I complete an application – GDE online application?

  • Log on to and click on Create a username and password and then register your details. The System will guide you through each one of the 5 steps to make an application. Please keep the username and password for future use.

Where can I go to apply to Grade 1 or Grade 8 if I do not have a computer or internet at home?

  • You may go to any school, or District Office in your area to be assisted to make an application online. Some community or church halls in the community will also be used as Admissions Centres to help parents to make applications

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When will I know about the outcome of my application after applying to schools?

  • Parents will receive offers of placement via SMS from 4 November 2023


What will happen if I do not receive an offer of placement via SMS?

  • Parents are advised to login to their profile using the username and password to check the status of the application

What if I do not receive an offer of placement for my child?

  • If you have not received an offer of placement by 30 November 2023, kindly contact your District Office or call 0800 000 789

Will my child be placed in a High School that offers my preferred Language of Teaching?

  • Parents need to select their preferred language of teaching and additional languages when making an application. As far as possible, placement is offered in Grade 8 at schools that offer the Language of Teaching that the child was taught in in Grade 7, where space is available


Will applicants who apply first be placed first?

  • No. Applicants who live closest to the school and in the school feeder zone will be placed first

Do I have to apply on the first day when the System opens to ensure that my child is placed first?

  • No. You may apply on any day from the start (15 June 2023) to the end (14 July 2023) of the Application Period. The applicant who applied first will not be placed first, the applicant who lives in the school feeder zone at a verified home address that is closest to the school will be prioritised for placement based on available spaces at the school

Do I have to apply for Grade 1 for my child that is currently in Grade R in a public school?

  • Yes. Grade R learners are not automatically progressed to Grade 1 at their current school

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Will I be allowed to apply to a public school for Grade 1 if my child is not in Grade R in any school?

  • Only if your child will be six (6) years old by 30 June 2024

How old should my child be to be admitted to Grade 1 in 2024?

  • The child must be five (5), turning six (6) by 30 June 2024

Will I be able to apply to Grade 1 for my child that is older than six?

  • Yes. Children older than 6 years by 30 June 2024 may apply for Grade 1.

Is there an age limit to apply to Grade 8?

  • No. There is no age limit to apply to Grade 8 for all learners who are currently in Grade 7 in a public school however, over-aged learners (15 years and older) may be redirected for admission to the relevant institution


Can I apply for my friend’s child or my sister’s / brother’s child?

  • Only if you friend gives you permission to do so. You will need to create a profile for your neighbour/ sister or brother. You must Register the details (ID Number, cell phone number, address) of your neighbour / sister / brother to apply for the children.DO NOT register someone else’s child on your profile or under your name and details

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GDE Admissions 2024 – Apply Now (A complete Guide For Parents), Can I use the GDE Admissions Online System to apply to schools in other provinces?

  • No. The GDE Admissions Online System makes provision for schools in Gauteng Province only

GDE online application – Can I apply online from a province outside Gauteng?

  • Yes. The GDE Admissions Online Application can be accessed nationally and internationally

Will the Department provide GDE online application user manuals to parents?

  • Yes. A Step-by-Step User Guide / Manual for Parents is available on the Admission Online Application System. Login to . Click “Support” to find the Step-by-Step user-guide


Will parents from different households be able to apply for the same learner?

  • Yes. However, a total of 5 applications are allowed for each learner.

How do I know that my GDE online application is complete?

You must complete a 5 Step Process as follows:

  • Step 1: Register Personal Details
  • Step 2: Register Address Details
  • Step 3: Register Learner Details
  • Step 4: Apply to a School
  • Step 5: Upload / Submit Documents

GDE Admissions 2024, When your application is complete, you will receive an SMS with a reference number and a Thank You message. The same will be displayed on the System and stored on your profile.

Please save this reference number for later use

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What is an acceptable proof of residence if parent does not have a municipal account or lease agreement?

  • Municipal Account / Invoice, such as water, electricity or rates invoice in the Name and Surname of parent with whom the child lives (less than 3 months old)
  • Lease agreement signed by both the landlord / landlady and the occupant and reflecting that lease period which includes occupation at the time of making the application. Lease agreements must reflect the name of the applicant as a tenant. Lease agreements must be accompanied by the municipal account of the landlord.


I have lost my cell phone / changed my cell phone number. I now have a new cell phone number. How can I update it on the system after I made an application?

  • Log into your account with the username and password that you created. Click on My Profile. Click on edit cell phone number. Make the necessary changes.

GDE Admissions 2024, If an Academic Report was not received from the school, what do parents upload or submit?

  • An academic report is only required if you apply to Grade 8. Obtain the child’s most recent academic report from the school where the child is currently in Grade 7. This is required to verify the grade that the child has last passed