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Vacancy at Sightsavers Tanzania, June 2023

Sightsavers Tanzania has been working in Tanzania since the 1970s to protect sight and prevent blinding diseases. In 2021, we helped to carry out 11,000 sight-saving operations in the country.

Sightsavers has been working in the country since the 1970s, helping to support and strengthen local eye care systems to tackle preventable blindness.

We provide specialist training for health workers, increase public awareness of eye care and lobby the government to ensure eye care is universally available.

Our programmes in Tanzania mainly focus on preventing and treating trachoma, and providing cataract operations for those who need them. We also work to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities.

Our vision is of a world where no one is blind from avoidable causes, and where people with disabilities can participate equally in society. We treat eye conditions such as cataracts and tackle debilitating diseases, many of which cause sight loss.

To do this, we work with governments and local, national and international partners to carry out eye operations and distribute treatments where they’re needed.


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The organization is seeking to hire individuals to fill a new vacant position. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW: