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42 Contract Vacancies Maweni Hospital | Nafasi za Mkataba Maweni

42 Contract Vacancies Maweni Hospital . Nafasi 42 za Mkataba Maweni Hospital Medical Officer Maweni Regional Referral Hospital – Kigoma announces Tanzanians who have the qualifications and desire to work at the Maweni Regional Referral Hospital for a voluntary contract for various cadres as outlined below.

42 Contract Vacancies Maweni Hospital | Nafasi za Mkataba Maweni

Wauguzi Daraja la Il (ENROLLED NURSE) 15
2 Daktari daraja la Il 5
3 Mteknolojia dawa daraja la Il 2
4 Mtunza Kumbukumbu za Afya 2
5 Mhasibu Msaidizi Il 2
6 Mortuary Attendant (Mhudumu wa chumba cha kuhifadhi maiti) 3
7 Laundry Attendant (Mhudumu Ufuaji) 3
8 Afisa Afya Msaidizi daraja la Il 1
9 Afisa Habari daraja la Il 1
10 Personal Secretary
Il Wahudumu wa Afya 4
12 Fundi Mwashi 1
13 Afisa tabibu (Clinical Officer Il) 2

All applicants should have educational certificates, professional certificates, licenses, for applicants who have been employed by the relevant professional council and have completed vocational training. Salary and Benefits.

Applicants who will get a position and be given a contract will be paid 50% of the salary level according to the relevant cadre, salaries and benefits will be paid in accordance with the Ministry of Health’s 2021 voluntary work guidelines.
All applications must be accompanied by: I. Copy of birth certificate;

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  1. A copy of the certificate of the Fourth or Sixth Form according to the Cadre of the Applicant;
  2. Copy of Professional Certificates (Certificates and Transcripts) and Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  3. Two recent passport size photographs.
    I. Applicants should attach a letter of application and other necessary attachments.
  4. All applications should be sent by email (, POST to the address below or sent to the OFFICE OF THE PHYSICIAN IN CHARGE from Date
    16/06/2023 at 1.30 am to 22/06/2023 at 09.30 pm.
    Applications should be sent to
    Medical Officer,
    Maweni Regional Referral Hospital,
    S.L.P 16,

42 Contract Vacancies Maweni Hospital

Click here below to download pdf file

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