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42 Job Vacancies At UDART -Cashier May 2023

42 Job Vacancies At UDART -Cashier May 2023

Job Vacancies At UDART -Cashier May 2023 The Management of UDA Rapid Transit Public Limited Company (UDART) Announce New 42 Job Vacancies For the Tanzanian Energetic Youth to fill this Job Opportunities kindly Read Careful UDART Job Requirements Before Submitting your Applications.

The Business of UDART is mainly driven by operations and management of the fleet of buses run on the BRT system as per the Contract with DART. The key activities for this operation include bus scheduling, bus maintenance and stations activities


UDA Rapid Transit Public Limited Company (UDART) is owned by Shirika la Usafiri Dar es Salaam Limited (UDA) an entinty in which the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania is the majority share Holder.

The Company was incorporated in Tanzania under the company act on 19th December 2014 with the certificate of incoporate nume 113954, UDART has been operating a

fleet of buses that serve an average of 165,000 Dar es Salaam commuters per day since May 2016, providing safe and reliable passenger transport for the benefit of local Community.

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