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Vacancies at Tanzania Standard Newspapers Limited (TSN), 2023

Vacancies at Tanzania Standard Newspapers Limited. Tanzania Standard Newspapers Limited, a wholly-owned Gov­ernment’s media house, was established under the Companies Act, 2002.

The Company is the oldest media house in Tanza­nia, and its operation dates back in the 1930s. The Company publishes the Daily News, Sunday News, HabariLEO and Spo- tiLeo as well as online editions of these newspapers.

As part of its structural transformation and business expansion in pursuit of more market share in East Africa and beyond, the Compa­ny operates Commercial Printing Plant.

The plant undertakes l wide variety of printing works to produce items such as diaries, calendars and books. Through innovation and the use of modern technologies TSN continues to offer credible and reliable information services to our esteemed customers while maintaining the highest degree of professionalism.

Core business of TSN is news gathering, processing and dissemination through its publications as well as specialized pull outs (Woman Magazine,

Academy, Score) and specialized pages for the Kiswahili publications. The organization is an equal opportunity employer. Please adhere to the deadline.


TSN invites dynamic and suitable qualified Tanzanians to fill ten (10) vacant posts under one (1) year contract terms. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW:

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