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394 New Vacancies at MDH Tanzania in Kagera Region, August 2023

MDH Tanzania Vacancies, August 2023

Management and Development For Health (MDH) Tanzania is an indigenous-Tanzanian non-Governmental  Organisation with   principal place of business in Tanzania.

MDH’s central office is located at  Mikocheni B, along Mwai Kibaki road in Dar es Salaam. MDH’s work is primarily in public health service and research in Tanzania and the world at large.

Management and Development for Health (MDH) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose primary aim is to contribute to address public health priorities of the people of Tanzania and the world at large.

These priorities include: communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child health (RMNCH); Nutrition; Non-Communicable Diseases of public health significance; as well as Health System Strengthening.

MDH strongly believes in and works in partnership with various local and global institutions, Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC); President’s Office Regional Authorities and Local Government (PORALG); donor agencies; academic and non-academic institutions; implementing partners; civil society, community-based and faith-based organizations and others.  


MDH in collaboration with Muleba, Ngara, Misenyi, Karagwe, Bukoba, Muleba,

Kyerwa and Biharamulo District Councils; Bukoba RRH, Biharamulo DDH, Ndolage, ST. Mary’s Isingiro, Izimbya, Nyakaiga, Kagondo, Mugana, Rulenge, Rubya, and Nyakahanga Hospitals together with Bukoba Municipal Council to apply for the following posts (NB: These positions are only for the current Subgrantee Staff and Volunteers working under MDH Kagera region Only). 



The organization is seeking to recruit qualified and eligible individuals to fill new vacancies. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT ATTACHED BELOW:

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Facility Index Testers (36 Posts) 

Pharmacists (03 posts), Nurse Counsellor (01 Post), Laboratory Scientist (05 Post)

Laboratory Technologist (03 Post), Laboratory Technician (04 Posts)

Laboratory Attendant (04 Post), Quality Improvement Officer (05 Post), TB/HIV Coordinator (1 Post)