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Various vacancies at Baobab Hospital March, 2023

Various vacancies at Baobab Hospital March, 2023

Baobab Baobab Hospital and Secondary School is purpose-built girls and boys boarding school situated at Mapinga village in Zinga ward, Yombo Division, Bagamoyo district,

less than a kilometer beyond the new Chinese bridge project and 45 kilometres from Dar es Salaam on Bagamoyo road, Tanzania in East Africa.

Baobab Secondary School is purpose-built girls and boys boarding school situated at Mapinga village in Mapinga Ward, Yombo Division, Bagamoyo district, less than a kilometer beyond


How to Apply for Various vacancies at Baobab Hospital March, 2023


the new Chinese bridge project and 45 kilometers from Dar es Salaam on Bagamoyo road, Tanzania in East Africa. The school is a cutting edge establishment on the national education scene.


Click here on specific link to read full instructions and application procedures.

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Nurses / Midwives


Optometrists/ Ophthalmologists

Medical Laboratory Scientists

Pediatricians at Baobab

Dentists at Baobab Hospital