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Uganda UNEB PLE Results 2022/2023

Uganda UNEB PLE Results 2022/2023

UNEB PLE results in Uganda 2022/2023, UNEB PLE Results 2022/2023 Get Uganda PLE Results Online, Uganda UNEB PLE Results 2022 | 2023, UNEB Confirms 2022 Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) Release

Parents, former candidates, and others were curious about the news once it was released. When the examinations board was late in releasing the results, the tension escalated. Dr. Joyce Moriku Kaducu, State Minister for Primary Education, has put the public’s mind at ease by announcing that the results of the Primary Literacy Examination (PLE) of 2022 will be released on Friday, January 27, 2023.

Uganda UNEB PLE Results 2022/2023, Dr. Kaducu expressed regret for the delay and clarified that the board had approved disclosing the results but that it was first essential to brief the highest-ranking ministry officials.

According to the minister, UNEB personnel are going to tell the Education Minister, Janet Kataha Museveni, and other management authorities on Wednesday about the outcomes. Odongo stated that PLE grading was completed before Christmas when he testified before the Parliamentary Education Committee earlier this month. There were 13 locations where the marking was done with 5,544 graders.

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Although the board had the results, it was unable to submit them to the Minister for immediate release. An internal examination security committee had to meet and assess the results for applicants who were suspected of engaging in misconduct before they could be released to the public.

Uganda UNEB PLE Results 2022/2023



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A number of people have been spreading rumors on social media regarding the reasons for the delay, the new release date, and other erroneous information. Take the notion that circulated on Monday night: “The results will be published on Tuesday,” for example (today).

As a result, Jennifer Kalule Mulumba, the UNEB’s official spokesperson, has issued a public warning regarding the false claims. Uganda UNEB PLE Results 2022/2023 Kalule issued a brief press release asking parents, school administrators, and everyone to dismiss rumors.

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Uganda UNEB PLE Results 2022/2023 On November 8th and 9th, 2022, PLE was held with a total of 832,810 registrants across 14,153 testing locations. Females made up 51.9% of the total number of registered candidates, while males accounted for 48.1%. There were 583,769 students who qualified for funding through UPE and 249,041 students who did not.