TCU Guide Book 2023-2024 Download PDF

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TCU guide book 2023 For Holders of Qualifications. TCU guide book 2022 to 2023. The Bachelor’s degree Admission Guidebook is a tool to guide Higher Education Institutions.

the prospective applicants and other stakeholders on the admission procedure and criteria for students’ admission to the HEIs and to enable TCU on the other hand to regulate the admission process in line with section 5 (1) (c) (i) of The Universities Act, Cap. 346 of the Laws of Tanzania, read together with regulation 39 of the Universities (General) Regulations, GN. No. 226 of 2013.

About TCU Guide Book 2023-2024

The guidebook is further intended to inform prospective students, parents, HEIs and stakeholders about institutions which offer Bachelor’s degree programmes, accredited Bachelor’s degree programmes in the respective admission cycle, minimum entry requirements, programme admission capacities and duration of each of the programmes.

TCU is required under the provisions of section 5 (1) (b) of The Universities Act, Cap. 346 of the Laws of Tanzania to audit, on a regular basis, the quality assurance mechanisms of universities.

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The audit process includes among others; carrying out evaluation, assessment and monitoring of university institutions on a continuous basis, preparing and revising guidelines for Quality Assurance and other related matters for the purposes of monitoring and regulating general management and performance of universities.

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Release Date of TCU Guide Book 2023-2024

Expected to be released in June 2023.

To facilitate this process, the Commission has been dully mandated under the provisions of Section 16 of The Universities Act, Cap. 346 of the Laws of Tanzania, as amended, to charge and collect quality assurance fees. In view of this mandate, the Commission at its 64th Meeting held on 3rd July, 2014 approved a Tshs. 20,000/= Quality Assurance Fee which has to be paid by every student enrolled to a university institution regardless of the programme of study.

The legal provisions thus obligate all University institutions to collect and remit annually to the Commission the prescribed quality assurance fee for every student in the University’s nominal roll

TCU Guide Book 2023-2024 Download PDF
TCU Guide Book 2023-2024 Download PDF

How to Download TCU Guide Book 2023-2024 PDF

TCU guide book 2022 For Holders of Qualifications
Entry Schemes into Bachelor’s Degree Programmes Four entry schemes to Bachelor’s degree programmes are recognised by the
Commission as follows:

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i. The direct entry qualifications for holders of Qualifications;
ii. The equivalent entry qualifications for holders of Ordinary Diploma or Equivalent Qualifications;
iii. The equivalent qualifications for holders of a Bachelor’s degree award

TCU Guide Book 2023-2024 Download PDF, TCU Guide book 2023 PDF Download, Bachelor’s Degrees Admission Guidebook for 2023/2024 Academic Year (For Holders of Qualifications)
Open the attached PDF file Below to read Full details

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Diploma TCU Book 2023-2024 Download PDF

Form Six TCU  Book 2023-2024 PDF Download