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Tanga Fresh Limited Vacancy, March 2023

Tanga Fresh Limited (“TFL”) is a leading dairy brand supplying fresh and long-life milk, Mtindi, yoghurt, mozzarella cheese, butter and ghee with national coverage across Tanzania.

TFL was established in 1996 as a joint venture between a group of Dutch Farmers and the Tanga Dairies Co-operative Union (“TDCU”). Through TDCU, TFL works with more than 6,000 smallholder farmers in Tanga.

Established in 1996, Tanga Fresh Ltd, in Tanga Region as a joint-venture between FriZania cooperation from Friesland in Northern Netherlands and Tanga Dairy Cooperative Union (TDCU), a Tanzanian farmer cooperative.

Since 1996 a reliable chain of farmers, assembly points and the factory has flourished due to good logistic planning whereby the milk arrives at one of the chilled collection points by foot, bicycle or by mule. From there the milk is transported by car to the factory.

TDCU consists of 11 cooperatives with 3,150 farmers to date. It is also involved in cattle breeding and credit facilities. The marketing combined with growth opportunities offered to small-holders through heifer availability. The company is an equal opportunity employer.


The company is inviting applications from Tanzanians to fill a new vacant position. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW:

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