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TAMISEMI Vacancies, October 2023

TAMISEMI Regional Governments and Local Authorities are a full ministry which is under the Presidency and managed by the Minister of State assisted by two deputies as managers.

One of the tasks of this Ministry is to coordinate all regional development plans with Local Authorities under the presidential office. The administration of this Ministry is under the Minister who is also a member of the Cabinet of Tanzania.

The Ministry is responsible for regional development in all regions and districts, especially in ensuring that the infrastructure of each area in the construction of roads and buildings continues, and at the appropriate level. Support decentralisation through devolution and set up a skilled Regional Administration and independent Local Government Authorities.

Support policies that help cities and small towns grow. Office of the President, Regional Administrations and Local Governments (TAMISEMI) in collaboration with The Ministry of Health in Mainland Tanzania and the Ministry of Health in Zanzibar

have started the implementation of Investment Program in Mother and Child Health in Tanzania (Tanzania Martenity and Child Health Investment Program- TMCHIP) sponsored by the Bank of The world.


The Ministry is inviting applications from qualified individuals to fill new contract vacancies. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW: