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Serene Microfinance Limited Vacancies, March 2023

Serene Microfinance Limited has been a growing and expanding company since its establishment in providing financial solutions to many individuals and corporates.

Serene Microfinance Ltd exceptionally stands as good example due to the unique contribution in reaching many categories of customers in Tanzania with micro-loans whose operations are in many parts of Dar es Salaam City and the nearby Regions.

To be valued as a trusted financial services provider and a role model in creating and supporting such opportunities in the community. To bridge the gap in the provision of financial services where customer satisfaction, efficiency and innovation reign.

The company will offer loan to individual selected workers who are Formally/informally employed by a credible organization. The amount of the loan offered here depends on the official salary of the worker,

the purpose of the loan and the period for which the loan is needed. The employee can be from informal or formal sector. The employer will need to verify that he owns the employees and agrees to deduct part of their salary to pay for the loan.


The company is inviting applications from Tanzanians to fill new vacancies. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW:

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