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87 Vacancies at Reveurse Tanzania Company Limited August 2023

87 New Jobs Vacancies at Reveurse Tanzania Company Limited August 2023, Tanzania Jobs, Reveurse Tanzania Company Limited is a locally registered company established to bring solutions to the business world on the total recruitment process for both candidates and companies. Our team is effective in analyzing each candidate carefully and ensuring a successful match with our Company clients, and on the candidate’s side we become your partner in helping you reach your career goals by helping you get the right post

Jobs Vacancies at Reveurse Tanzania Company Limited

The team at Reveurse deals with recruitment from permanent, specific and fixed recruitment and are highly trained on Human Resource laws and have consulted major companies on recruitment processes & human resource issues in general, creating a smooth operation for our clients. Applications are invited from suitable, qualified and experienced Tanzanians to fill the following vacant positions at Reveurse Tanzania Company Limited.

1.Drivers (80 position)

2. Tracking Officers (5 Positions)

3. Project QHSSE Inspectors (2 Positions)

How to Apply: Click here below to apply

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How to Apply

Interested Applicants Should Send Their CV’s Only to, Before Deadline: 4th September 2023, Jobs Vacancies at Reveurse Tanzania Company Limited