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New Job Vacancies at Lodhia Industries

Nafasi za kazi Lodhia Industries is one of the leading and fastest growing steel & plastic manufacturers in Tanzania and is currently operating out of two locations, Dar-es-salaam and Arusha.

Since the foundations of the company laid back in 1996, Ajira Mpya Lodhia Industries has had an utmost dedication to the highest business standards and ethics and has provided thousands (directly & indirectly) of jobs with levels of security and benefits unprecedented in the region.

A wide range of CSR initiatives are also undertaken, many of which go unreported. The growth of Lodhia Industries has directly correlated with an increase in the quality of life in the surrounding community.

New Job Vacancies at Lodhia Industries

Ajira Lodhia Industries aspire to be Africa’s benchmark for Value Creation and we seek to scale the heights of excellence in all we do. We endeavour to earn the trust and acclaim of customers by providing safe, high-quality products and services by fully respecting and protecting the privacy of personal and customer information, thus providing sustainable growth of society.

Now Job Lodhia group of companies is hereby looking for experienced professional in the following discipline to join our dynamic group.


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New Job Vacancies at Lodhia Industries DOWNLOAD PDF FILE HERE