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Names Called for Interview at Tume ya Utumishi wa Mahakama., June 2023

Names Called for Interview at Tume ya Utumishi wa Mahakama. The Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal are the highest courts in the country.

The Supreme Court hears cases that are generally heard by judges, while the Court of Appeal hears cases that are generally heard by lawyers. The Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal are also responsible for administering criminal justice, including sentencing, bail, and juries.

Jobs at Judicial Service Commission,  139 Job Vacancies Tume Ya UTUMISHI Wa Mahakama. -In This Article, are you looking for new job opportunities at Tume Ya UTUMISHI WaMahakama,

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The Judicial Service Commission is a body created in accordance with paragraph 112 (1) of Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977. In addition, the Operating Act of Court No. 4/2011 provides the Judicial Service Commission with responsibilities its other role is to recruit staff of various cadres of the Court of Tanzania.


Names Called for Interview at Tume ya Utumishi wa Mahakama., June 2023


Names Called for Interview at Tume ya Utumishi wa Mahakama., June 2023
Names Called for Interview at Tume ya Utumishi wa Mahakama., June 2023

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As a result, the Judicial Service Commission invites competent Tanzanians listed below who are eager to work in Tanzanian Courts in various Regions and Districts to submit their employment applications.

The following have been selected for job interviews, 207 new jobs. Interviews will start on June  08 2023at existing centers in Dar Es Salaam, Morogoro, Mbeya, Dodoma, Mwanza and Arusha. Interviews will begin at 3 a.m. For more information visit the Commission’s website Judicial Service, or inquiry phone number 0734-219821.

Open the attached PDF file Below to check the names

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