Majina Ya Vijana Waliochaguliwa Kujiunga na Programu ya BBT

Majina Ya Vijana Waliochaguliwa Kujiunga na Programu ya BBT

The Government through the Ministry of Agriculture is implementing a Program to Facilitate the Participation of Youth in Agricultural Business (Building a Better Tomorrow Youth Initiative for Agribusiness (BBT-YIA).

This program is expected to increase employment for young people three (3) million and increase the growth of the agricultural sector up to 10 percent in 2030 (Agenda 10/30).

Through BBT, the Ministry coordinates the establishment of large collective farms (Block Farms) for young people. This project will be implemented throughout the country by all young people with qualifications will have the opportunity to do agriculture business in the value chain. For to begin with, the Ministry has identified farms with a total of 162,492 acres in the District of Chunya (Mbeya)

Bahi and Chamwino (Dodoma); and Misenyi and Karagwe (Kagera); and Uvinza and Kasulu (Kigoma). The Ministry announces opportunities for agricultural business training for the first phase

young people at Bihawana Agricultural Training Center in Dodoma region. That training are expected to start on February 15, 2023 where young people will be trained for three months. After the training, graduates will be awarded

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fields for agriculture according to the procedures and conditions to be specified All applications should be sent through the link starting today January 10, 2023. The deadline for sending applications is January 30, 2023

Majina Ya Vijana Waliochaguliwa Kujiunga na Programu ya BBT

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