The article gives Impacts of COVID 19 on insurance industry, Impact of COVID-19 on the insurance industry, COVID 19 impacts on insurance industry, results of COVID 19 on insurance industry.
The COVID-19 crisis continues to have a significant impact on individuals, society, business and the wider economy across the globe.
The insurance industry has not escaped its impact but insurers have responded quickly to the crisis. As the broader economy recovers and responds to the pandemic, insurers will face a number of challenges but also see many new opportunities in the medium to long term.
We include two papers which outline a number of key impacts and actions being taken across the industry globally in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
The following paper outlines a number of key impacts and actions being taken across the industry globally in response to the COVID 19 crisis. Insights from our

Deloitte Insurance Industry network has provided input to this paper and we have attached links to additional resources on this topic at the back of this deck.
The key topics covered in Impacts of COVID 19 on insurance industry
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– Summary / overview of impacts on individual insurance sectors;
– Navigating the crisis will require resilient leadership – respond, recover & thrive;
– Impacts & actions taken by insurers:
1. Customer, financial and business ;
2. Perception, brand and strategy;
3. Operational resilience, service delivery and workforce; and
4. Governance, risk and controls.
– What should insurance executives, boards of management and other sector participants be asking?;
– COVID 19 will accelerate key trends already underway in the industry; and
– Additional Deloitte resources
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