Call for Training at PCCB

Call for Training at PCCB. Invitation to Preliminary Investigation Training at PCCB Tanzania releases

The Prevention and Combating of Corruption Act No. 11 of 2007 created the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), a public organization.

The Prevention of Corruption Act (PCCA), Chapter 329, which was amended in 2002, was repealed and replaced with this statute. On April 16, 2007, the United Republic of Tanzanian Parliament passed the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bill of 2007, which led to the creation of this organization.

On June 11, 2007, the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Act was signed into law by His Excellency Jakaya Kikwete, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania. It became operative on July 1st, 2007.

The Preliminary Investigation Training level of the Bureau’s recruitment procedure has been reached, the Director General of the PCCB wishes to announce.

Call for Training at PCCB

The following factors were employed in order to determine who was required to attend the training;

  • The degree of success the participant had during the interview
  • The mannerisms of the participant; and
  • Background investigations into each participant’s behavior

Call For Training Takukuru

The Public was informed by the Director General of the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) that interviews in person for PCCB job applications will begin on April 2, 2024, in Dodoma.

Training announcement