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Awards Manager at Save the Children

TITLE: Awards Manager

TEAM/PROGRAMME: Awards Management department. LOCATION: Dar Es Salam, Tanzania.


TYPE OF CONTRACT: 1 year renewable

Child Safeguarding:

Level 1 – The role holder will not have contact with children and/or young people, or access to personal data about children or young people, as part of their work.


The Awards Manager will provide Tanzania country programme leadership of all Awards Management functions. He/she will manage a team of 3 staff and will liaise with all relevant departments to ensure the effective management of donor awards. Responsible and lead on strategic portfolio planning, tracking up-coming funding opportunities, donor engagement and risk management through analysis and management of information and Partnership management processes.

He/she is responsible for ensuring the management of all Awards in the country programme, from the coordination of Awards Management System (AMS) processes at proposal stage to closeouts. Provides leadership in Award progress review meetings takes required action during programme implementation, leads on any amendments, Cost Extensions, or No-Cost Extensions required and all reporting of awards in accordance with SC policies and guidelines. The post-holder reports directly to the Country Director.


Reports to: Country Director

Key contacts: Budget Holders and Field Programme Managers, Director of Program Operations, Director Programme Development and Quality, New Business development Manager, Awards Finance Coordinator/ Officers, Finance Director, RO Awards, SCI Center awards, SC Members, local donors etc.

Staff directly reporting to this post: none


Proposal development

When new funding opportunities are identified by Business Development team, work with them to ensure relevant documentations required as per SCI guidelines is managed in a timely manner and uploaded onto AMS by the Awards/AMS Officer.
This will involve follow up against a defined check list and close coordination with the PDQ/BDM lead on the development of the proposal and budget and review of operational sections.
Review all award agreements for management nuances and brief programme management on potential areas of risk, providing a summary of key areas.
Directly link with the Member for timely issuance of necessary workflow and Fund Summary once award is approved.
Lead the creation of SCI Directly Received SOFs and AMS approval processes by closely coordinating with RO, Center SCI Led funding teams.
Work closely with NBD and Finance Director on summary report for presenting to SMT on funding gap analysis.

Awards Management & AMS Management

Ensure all award cycle processes (opportunity identification to award closeout) are followed through workflows on AMS by the Awards/AMS Officer, including that all relevant information is uploaded in the system and maintained in hard copy.
Put in place structures to support the effective dissemination of award information so that all key contributing staff have a clear understanding of requirements and expectations throughout the lifecycle of an award (opportunity to close-out).
Ensure kick off meetings are done promptly for all new awards and that proper coding structure and budgets are communicated to budget holders.
Lead member and local donor engagement and relationship management as the SCI focal point on awards, coordinate SCI /member reviews and revisions of proposals, budgets and agreements.
Work closely with NBD on updating pipeline trackers and Provide information directly to the Finance Director on new awards that impact the Master Budget gap analysis on a regular basis.
Play the lead role in developing overall analysis of budget vs actual expenditures (BVA) for monthly award review meetings with budget holders. Work with budget holders to ensure they develop and implement remedial plans based on agreed action points and closely review achievements in following month.
Provide advice to staff on budget coding and reallocations in collaboration with Director of Programme Operations (DPO) and budget holders.
Provide management information (awards summary) to Senior Management Team (SMT) and SC members via a portfolio analysis report on a monthly showing information on pipeline, active, awards under amendment, high risk awards and closed awards.
Coordinate budget realignments, amendments, cost and no-cost extension requests going to the member and donor in a timely manner.
Coordinate with program operations to ensure close out meetings are conducted in a timely manner. Ensure that all meetings are minuted and these minutes filed on AMS and follow up actions done.
Ensure that the Awards Management System (AMS) is effectively maintained, up to date and accurately records the audit trail for all awards and sub-awards.
Ensure that all Awards are linked in PPM PRIME.
Ensure PART (Proposal & Award Risk Management Tool) been done timely, reviewed by member office and uploaded on AMS for all opportunities.
Track and report Match gap to member offices and SLT Particularly PDQ. Work closely with member office on Match Gap
Understand and analyse Awards Management KPI results, MI & RFT indicator results and provide management information to the SMT and identify improvements that can be undertaken to improve results in the Award Management.

Strategic Portfolio Planning

Working with the NBD develop strong portfolio analysis, funding assessments and donor landscape mapping.
Support NBD & PDQ team by supplying necessary portfolio information to develop robust Funding Strategies.
Ensure accurate and up to date information on the award portfolio is readily available to the SMT and the regional office.
Working with the Finance Director to ensure that country offices have a clear framework for master budget development, cost allocation, monitoring of award budgets, phasing and forecasting, in particular ensuring alignment between the master budget and the funding tracker.
Working with Head of development to update the pipeline tracker regularly.

Partnerships – Sub-awards and sub-grantee management duties

In collaboration with the Operations Director, have the Awards Management team support in undertaking partner assessments, legal vetting on AMS and preparation of partner agreements to ensure donor compliance requirements are factored into this.
Capacity building and compliance support with all new and existing partners including regular monitoring and systems in place so that partner delivery meets donor expectations and requirements, in collaboration with programme operations.
Ensure that all partner documentation including reports is uploaded onto AMS through spot checks of AMS data.

Donor Compliance

Take part in all new award kick- off meetings leading on donor compliance to ensure requirements such as reporting deadlines, implementation period, amendment timing/procedures, audit and SCI award management policies are well understood, and a plan is in place to ensure these are met.
Ensure potential issues and amendment requests are flagged promptly to donors via the relevant Save the Children member. This may include developing business cases where donor waiver/derogation requests need to be more thoroughly articulated or negotiated with donors.
Collaborate with the member focal point to ensure that all donor compliance requirements are input into the AMS system before the fund summary workflow is run.
Lead the donor compliance efforts at the Country level.


Coordinate the Award Management team to ensure accurate and quality progress and financial reports are submitted to members and donors according to set timelines.
Review all grant reports before being submitted to member/donor.

Staff Management, Mentorship, and Development

Support the Award Management team to strengthen knowledge and capacity of staff across all functions to manage awards and comply with donor requirements as relevant to their role by providing induction, training and coaching consistent with their various roles and responsibilities.
Manage performance of direct reports in the awards management work area through:
Effective use of the Performance Management System including the establishment of clear, measureable objectives, ongoing feedback, periodic reviews and fair and unbiased evaluations.
Coaching, mentoring and other developmental opportunities.
Recognition and rewards for outstanding performance.
Documentation of performance that is less than satisfactory, with appropriate performance improvements/workplans.

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Delivering Results

Translates complex contextual information into planning and achievingresults effectively.
Ability to take a range of potentially complex and conflicting information and make decisions.
Designs and reviews large and complex operations to ensure maximum impact.
Ensures measures and metrics are in place to track performance in large and complex programmes.
Establishes clear and compelling objectives with teams and individuals and monitors progress and performance.
Holds others accountable for achieving results and challenges underperformance.

Working effectively with others

Puts mechanisms in place to ensure effective collaborative working across boundaries.
Enables people from a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives to contribute to positive outcomes.
Breaks down silo working and challenges behaviours that are not collaborative.
Knows when to followand lend leadership to strengthen other leaders.

Problem Solving and decision making.

Identifies and addresses root causes of long-term problems facing the countryprogramme.
Brings in external perspective to ensure strategic decision making remains relevant and future focused.
Provides a strategic framework to support decision making.
Explores and analyses external trends and their potential impact on strategic choices.
Takes calculated risks and has the courage to stand by decisions despite resistance.

Leadership and Developing Others

Deliversneeds-based results in complex and fast-changingcontexts.
Evaluatesthe opportunities andrisks ofeach idea andsolutionto make informed strategicdecisions.
Demonstratesmanagerialcourage by willingness to confrontdifficultsituationsandtake potentiallyunpopular decisions.
Actively encourages a teamenvironment whereteam membersfeel ableto contribute, champion or challenge decisions.
Conveys complex strategicissues with clarity, brevity andconfidence.
Develops andimplementsprocesses to ensurethatthe workplace is inclusive, andthe talentsof individuals are harnessed to achieve individualandorganisationalsuccess.



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Post graduate qualification in Financemanagement,Grantsmanagementor equivalent.
At least 5 – 7 years’ experiencein a similarposition.
Excellentplanning, management andcoordination skills, with theability to organise a demanding workload comprised of diverseandchallenging tasks andresponsibilities.
Proven track record ofactivecontribution toa senior managementteam and providing strategicsupport acrossmultiplesectors and/orregions.
Extensive experience with NGOs with increasingresponsibilities including a proven experienceof establishing and running theawardmanagementfunction in the field.
Knowledge ofthe requirements of major institutional donors includingbudgeting, eligibility issues, compliance management, andreporting.
Experienceof engaging with donors at country strategylevels.
Experienceof andwell-developed skills in staff managementandsupervision. Proven strongcoaching and capacity buildingskills.
Very strongcapacity for attention to detail,problem solving,andanalysis oftrends.
Computer literate(i.e., WORD, advanced Excel, Outlook, Internet Explorer, financial systems).
Culturalawareness andability to buildrelationshipsquickly with awide variety ofpeople.
Patient,adaptable,flexible, ableto improvise andremain responsive andcommunicate clearly andeffectively under pressure.
Strong communication (written andspoken), andinterpersonalskillsin English, with experiencein managing multiculturalteams.


Experiencewith Save the Children award management policies, procedures andsystems andSave the Children’s award managementsystem(AMS).
Understanding of how to produce financial reportsfrom Savethe Children’s overseas accounting software (Agresso).
Experienceof project management, M&E management orfundingcoordination.

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Additional job responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities as set out above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to carry out additional duties within reasonableness of their level of skills and experience.

Equal Opportunities

The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with the SCI Equal Opportunities and Diversity policies and procedures.

Child Safeguarding:

We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.

Health and Safety

The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with SCI Health and Safety policies and procedures.