Gaza hospitals to close within 48 hours: Ministry of Health

Gaza hospitals to close within 48 hours.  The Ministry of Health in Gaza issued a dire warning on Sunday, stating that hospitals and oxygen centers in the region will be forced to shut down within 48 hours due to a severe fuel shortage resulting from ongoing Israeli hostilities. This announcement underscores the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as critical healthcare facilities struggle to maintain operations amidst relentless conflicts and blockades.

Gaza hospitals to close within 48 hours
Gaza hospitals to close within 48 hours


In an official statement, the Ministry of Health expressed grave concern, cautioning that “remaining hospitals, health centers, and oxygen facilities will stop functioning within 48 hours.” This alarming prediction reflects the immediate and urgent need for fuel to power generators that are essential for the operation of medical equipment and provision of life-saving treatments.

The ministry elaborated on the contributing factors to this crisis, highlighting that “this situation is anticipated due to the depletion of necessary fuel for operating generators, which Israel is blocking from entering Gaza.” The blockade has not only restricted the entry of fuel but has also impeded the supply of other vital resources, such as medicines and food, exacerbating the already dire conditions in the Strip.

The statement further detailed the extent of the fuel shortage, noting that the supply is nearly exhausted. “Despite stringent conservation measures implemented by the ministry to extend the remaining reserves for as long as possible, given the insufficient amount available for operations,” the ministry emphasized, it is becoming increasingly challenging to sustain healthcare services. The conservation measures, while temporarily effective, are insufficient to address the long-term needs of the healthcare facilities.

Gaza hospitals to close within 48 hours
Gaza hospitals to close within 48 hours


The fuel shortage crisis comes amid heightened tensions and ongoing conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian factions in Gaza. The blockade, which has been in place for several years, has severely limited the movement of goods and people in and out of Gaza, leading to widespread shortages and a deteriorating humanitarian situation. The health sector has been particularly hard hit, with hospitals facing chronic shortages of supplies and equipment, and now, the critical shortage of fuel threatens to bring the entire system to a standstill.

The Ministry of Health’s warning underscores the urgent need for international intervention and assistance to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The potential closure of hospitals and oxygen centers would have catastrophic consequences for the population, particularly for those requiring urgent medical care, including COVID-19 patients, individuals with chronic illnesses, and those injured in the ongoing conflict.

Humanitarian organizations and international bodies have repeatedly called for the easing of the blockade and the provision of necessary supplies to Gaza. The current situation highlights the importance of these appeals and the need for a coordinated response to prevent a total collapse of the healthcare system in Gaza.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza has sounded a critical alarm about the impending shutdown of hospitals and oxygen centers within the next 48 hours due to an acute fuel shortage. The ongoing Israeli blockade and conflict have compounded the humanitarian crisis, making it imperative for the international community to act swiftly to prevent further deterioration of the situation and to ensure that essential medical services can continue to operate in Gaza.