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USAID Tanzania Vacancy, June 2023

USAID Tanzania Vacancy. USAID Tanzania helps empower Tanzanian women and youth who are essential to the country’s continued development but are among the most marginalized citizens.

Women’s salaries, for example, are on average 63 percent lower than those paid to men, while female-owned businesses make 2.4 times less profit. Youth under age 15 make up 45 percent of Tanzania’s population of 55 million.

Increasing access to economic and educational opportunities for young people will go a long way in helping ensure prosperity for all. In partnership with the Government of Tanzania, donor partners, civil society,

and the private sector, Feed the Future improves smallholder farmer income and nutritional status. Our investments focus on the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor and on specific crops such as rice, maize, and horticulture.

Feed the Future construction projects, such as improved roads and irrigation, complement activities to improve farmer productivity, nutrition, and product processing, storage, and marketing.

Private sector investment and policy initiatives improve the business enabling environment to promote agricultural growth, while research activities build the capacity necessary for long-term agricultural development.


USAID Tanzania Vacancy

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The organization is inviting applications from qualified individuals to fill a new vacant position. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW: